Interviewer: Esther Adebola Adeniji
Name of respondent: Arowojobe Oluwashina Peter

1. How did you get to hear about Ikogosi warm spring resort?
I read about it on a blog 3 years ago as a great landmark to visit and resort to spend a weekend
2.How was your experience at Ikogosi warm spring?
It was great. I had an amazing time spending time in a quiet place surrounded by nature. The hotel I lodged in wasn’t of top service but comfy and I particularly enjoyed sleeping to the sounds of birds in the tall trees surrounding the resort. The springs (warm & cold) had an ancient feel to it and it was really nice to be in the land of a wonder of nature that has been existing for ages.
3. What really fascinated your interest among all the attractions in the resort?
I would impulsively spring but it was actually the trees. They were as tall as skyscrapers and I could only imagine how old they were. The atmosphere in the resort was oxygen-rich, cooler and clean, coming from a busy city with polluted air, it was a big deal for me. If I could bag the air and take it home, I would. Haha.
4. What were the activities you were involved in during your visit to the resort?
I visited the source of the spring, I dipped my foot in the spring to feel it’s warmth and coldness. I also swam in the swimming pool in which the water in it was directly from the source of the spring at the top of the hill. The water in the pool was cleaner and warmer than a conventional swimming pool that is usually riddled with chlorine and burns once eyes. I also took a walk along the forest line in the resort.
4. What is your take about the natural resources in the resort?
They are fascinating, the trees and spring.
5. Are the natural resources in the resort well conserved?
Yes, although there are presence of plastic littering in the resort which is expected in any region with human activities
6. What do you suggest the government should do in ensuring the proper conservation of the resort?
Proper sensitization of visitors about keeping the heritage of the resort. As the resort will be expanded, there might be deforestation. The government should engage in reforestation activities to make up. Government should also make sure there are proper conservation rules put in place to curb any possible illegal tree felling.